Maybe it's because of our cross country move and that I have eyes for it, but I keep running into articles about rhythms—of which, we just don't have yet.
So I aim for gratitude at this gypsy pace of life, complete with living in the basement of some friends.
School of the Unconformed states: "Within a household, each person must to some extent adjust their own rhythms to the other members of the household. When are meals eaten, so that people can eat together when possible? When is sleep time, so that nobody is doing aerobics after midnight and waking everybody else up? When is the time for prayer, for ritual, for conversations, for shared activities?
So it’s not enough that we each enjoy our own personal synchrony, isolated from others. Although a home can’t function with the orderliness of a monastery (at least, not if there are kids!), some shared coherence is needed among the different members of the household, a degree of synchrony between the individual variations of life."